Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fiddling While Rome Burns

From time to time I will be writing here to share inflammatory anti-capitalist rage against the empire tirades thoughtful analysis and commentary on various issues that attract my attention.

I'd like to thank the nice people at the Middletown Press for giving me the opportunity to address their readers by linking to my blog. I'm assuming that Press readers who hate me with the ferocity of rabid wolverines suffering from Snarko Marx rage fixation are likely to generate a lot of hits the lively conversations I've contributed to in the commentary section of many articles in their fine publication has encouraged them to enlist me in helping to build a more active, thoughtful and engaged community of readers.

I expect to be commenting here on various things I read, see and think as human civilization continues its inexorable slide into The New Dark Ages aided by the latest incarnation of American exceptionalism, conservative "austerity" programs and high-fructose corn syrup. I have no doubt that you, the reader, will benefit greatly by learning to think just like me.